Rehabilitacja chorych po laryngektomii – wizja a realizacja

Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2007, Vol 61, Issue 3


Universality, early initiation, complexity and continuity – should be the main attributes of rehabilitation in patients after laryngectomy. The authors discuss the problem of universality and accessibility of rehabilitation in Poland. A great role in realization of this attributes played since 20 years the Polish Society of Laryngectomees. Till now the governmental help and the participation of the National Health Fund for the patients after laryngectomy is very limited. The early rehabilitation should be started before the operation and a particular note must be taken to the patient’s changed vital situation after the surgical treatment. The complexity of the rehabilitation must cover the whole spectrum of rehabilitation; it means voice and speech therapy, the improvement of respiratory system function, the problems of respiratory air conditioning and the psychological as well as social psychological aspects. The authors describe a model of such a complex rehabilitation that can be provided in health resorts. In the postoperative period the role of the laryngectomee clubs and associations is very important to assure the continuity of rehabilitation.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Betlejewski, Roman Ossowski, Anna Sinkiewicz


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How To Cite

Stanisław Betlejewski, Roman Ossowski, Anna Sinkiewicz (2007). Rehabilitacja chorych po laryngektomii – wizja a realizacja. Otolaryngologia Polska, 61(3), 344-348.