Rehabilitation following brain tumor surgery

Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 9, Issue 4


lmproved morbidity rates and prognosis in cancer are the result of improvement in prophylaxis, early diagnosis and comprehensive treatment, including rehabilitation, which is emphasised by many authors.Further treatment following brain tumor surgery requires a multidirectional approach that includes comprehensive rehabilitation. Its goal is to prevent complications and the development of dysfunctions in successive stages of cancer treatment, to manage complications and dysfunctions resulting from the treatment of primary disease, and even in terminal disease. At present, considerable attention is paid to functional sequelae of tumor treatment rather than only to the treatment of primary disease. Psychotherapy is an essential part of comprehensive rehabilitation of patients with malignant disease.The paper presents the stages of rehabilitation of these patients, taking into consideration hospital treatment, and community rehabilitation at the patienfs place of residence, at rehabilitation clinics and even in health resort hospitals. Community or outpatient rehabilitation serves to presen/e continuity of rehabilitation. For some patients, occupational rehabilitation represents a vital element in the comprehensive management, affording the possibility of fuli social integration, including the return to normal life. Rehabilitation can also be conducted in patients with terminal disease, especially in order to alleviate pain, reduce dyspnea, reduce lymphedema and improve psychological comfort.

Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Kwolek, Sławomir Snela


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How To Cite

Andrzej Kwolek, Sławomir Snela (2009). Rehabilitation following brain tumor surgery. Fizjoterapia Polska, 9(4), 359-368.