Reiter\'s syndrome - long-term observation
Journal Title: Reumatologia - Year 2005, Vol 43, Issue 5
In this paper long-term observation of patients with Reiter’s syndrome are presented. The material of clinical observation comprised of 100 patients with Reiter’s syndrome who have been hospitalised at Silesian Hospital of Rheumatology since 1990 until 2004. The retrospective analysis of 241 case history showed that the sacroiliitis was the most frequently established diagnosis (45%). Among the analysed patients with incomplete Reiter’s syndrome (52%) the changes in vision organ in 48.1% cases were found and the urinary tract in 31.8% cases. The HLA-B27 in 48% of cases was found. The diagnosis of Reiter’s syndrome was transformed into ankylosing spondylitis in 9 cases, into psoriatic arthritis in 3 cases and into rheumatoid arthritis in 2 cases. The information about course of disease, results of laboratory investigation and pharmacological treatment are also presented.
Authors and Affiliations
Krystyna Pethe-Kania
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