Relacje państwo – kościół na przełomie XX i XXI wieku. Przypadek Polski
Journal Title: Cywilizacja i Polityka - Year 2017, Vol 15, Issue 15
Problems of the faith and religion of the laic State and their mutual relations in the times of the trembling world are very important and can not be overestimated. We should look for the answers how to reconcile the renaissance of the religiosity with the increased secularism in the different countries. We are also talking about post-secularism. These issues determine the political divisions in Poland. Without a common dialogue, a desire for consensus, a rejection of fundamentalism, we can cease to exist as a Polish community. We are threatened by the transition from Utopia to dystopia. It all depends on how you react to these challenges will be the state and the Catholic Church. You should also reject all phobias and nationalism with national chauvinism
Authors and Affiliations
Grzegorz Piwnicki
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