Relacje Polski i Ukrainy 2010–2015 – ukraiński punkt widzenia

Journal Title: Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 2


Poland has repeatedly acted as a reliable ally in promoting Ukraine’s activity on the international stage and during internal political turmoil. Polish leadership played the exceptional role during the Revolution of dignity. Having regard to the aggravation of confrontation, especially Poland’s activity enabled to approve a common position of the EU concerning the events on the Maidan and force Yanukovych to sign the Agreement on settlement of political crisis in Ukraine. From the beginning of Russian aggression on the territory of Ukraine, Poland stressed the inviolability of Ukrainian borders and encourage to the implementation of sanctions against Russia at the various international forums. Since a Poland’s representative has not been involved at the negotiating group on normalization of the situation in Ukraine, intensity of Ukrainian-Polish dialogue on the highest level slightly reduced during 2014–2015. Direct contacts of Ukraine’s leadership with the leaders of Germany and France, which having significant impact on making decisions within the EU and being eligible as partners in the negotiations for Russia, have positive effects. However, they have not allowed to fully using great potential of Ukrainian-Polish strategic partnership.

Authors and Affiliations

Ihor Hurak


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How To Cite

Ihor Hurak (2016). Relacje Polski i Ukrainy 2010–2015 – ukraiński punkt widzenia. Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe, 0(2), 181-201.