Relation between oral breathing and the frequency of malocclusions and respiratory efficiency in adolescence
Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2012, Vol 65, Issue 5
The aim of this study was to evaluate the relation between the improper way of respiration and the incidence of malocclusion during childhood and in adolescence. Material and methods. The research was conducted on 110 children aged 10-12 years. The presence and degree of malocclusion were estimated in two groups of children: with oral and nasal way of breathing. Medical history was taken from parents or legal guardians, then dental and laryngological examinations as well as flow-volume curve were performed. Results. Oral respiration was confirmed in 40 children and nasal respiration was confirmed in 70 children. Malocclusion was noted in 71.8% of children, including: distoclusion – 32.7%, crossbite – 10.0%, deep bite – 9.1%, open bite – 6.4%, supraocclusion – 3.6%, mesiocclusion – 0.9% and linguoclusion – 0.9%. The improper way of breathing was mainly connected with distoclusion. Distoclusion was diagnosed statistically more frequently (p<0.05) in children with oral respiration (37.5%) than in children with nasal respiration (28.5%). Children with oral way of breathing and distoclusion more often experienced the inflammation of upper respiratory tract, an enlarged third tonsil and the tension of orbicular muscle of mouth was lower in this group in comparison with children with nasal respiration and proper occlusion. The period of breast-feeding in children with malocclusion was shorter (6.5 months) than in children with proper occlusion (9.1 months) (p<0.05), childhood habits (thumb sucking and nail biting) and remaining infant type of swallowing were revealed more frequently (p<0.05) in children with the improper way of breathing. Conclusion. Oral respiration has been associated with the presence of distoclusion and open bite coexisting with the hypotension of orbicular muscle of the mouth and remaining infant type of swallowing in examined children during adolescence. The improper way of breathing by mouth coexisting with advanced malocclusion during childhood may have an impact on air-flow disturbances in the upper and lower respiratory tract in adolescence.
Authors and Affiliations
Justyna Łyszczarz, Wojciech Szot, Bartłomiej Loster
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