Relationship between Flexible Work-Arrangement and Commitment of Nurses in Public Hospitals in Kenya
Journal Title: International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 3
The study was set to determine the relationship between flexible work arrangement and commitment of nurses in public hospitals in Kenya. The study adopted cross sectional survey design and the target population consisted of 1217 nurses in 27 level 4 and 5 public hospitals. The researcher utilized simple random sampling to select counties that formed the sample of study. Five (5) counties out of forty seven (47) counties in Kenya were selected for the study. Proportionate random sampling was used to select 8 hospitals from the five counties selected. From the 7 hospitals sampled 364 nurses were selected through proportionate simple random sampling. Primary data were collected through the use of questionnaires which had both structured and unstructured questions. For data analysis linear regression analysis was used to regress relationship between flexible work arrangement and commitment of nurses in public hospitals in Kenya .It was found out that there is a significant positive relationship between flexible work arrangements and nurses’ commitment in public hospitals in Kenya (β = 0.725, p< 0.01). The study concludes that flexible work arrangement (flexitime, compressed work schedule, shift schedule and job sharing) has a positive significant linear relationship with nurses’ commitment. It recommends that matrons and administrators in public hospitals to develop flexible work arrangements practices that suit individual needs of the nurses and implement them in order to greatly enhance their commitment.
Authors and Affiliations
Denis Okerosi Okemwa
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