Relationship Between Teacher Competence, School Climate And Academic Performance Of Public Senior Secondary School Students In Sokoto State, Nigeria


This study centers mainly on the relationship between teacher competence, school climate and students academic performance. The research design adopted for this study was correlation research design, under the descriptive survey research. The study was based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need which is a motivational theory. The study was carried out using questionnaire, achievement test and focus group discussions. The questionnaire was self designed and it was based on closed- ended items with options of A,B,C,D,E and F. The population was all the public senior secondary school students in Sokoto state. A total number of twelve public senior secondary schools, with three thousand four hundred and twenty eight (3,428) as the population of SS II students, were purposively selected within the six educational zones to represent the total population. The judgmental sampling technique was used to select the schools. The qualitative data collected were analyzed through thematic analysis by coding and transcription, while the quantitative data were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Co-efficient. The major findings of the study were: Teacher competence has relationship with student’s academic performance. School climate has relationship with students’ academic performance. The study recommended that, since students’ academic performance can be positively influenced by teacher competence, Government should look at how programme developers, university researchers, and national and international agencies can directly conduct carefully constructed studies to create and support teacher professional competence within the school and ascertain their impact on providing good academic performance in our schools.

Authors and Affiliations

Dr Umar Maimuna Rabo



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How To Cite

Dr Umar Maimuna Rabo (2018). Relationship Between Teacher Competence, School Climate And Academic Performance Of Public Senior Secondary School Students In Sokoto State, Nigeria. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 7(11), 34-40.