Relationships Between Plankton Primary Productivity, Biotic and Abiotic Variables of Carp Fish Ponds
Journal Title: Ecologia Balkanica - Year 2016, Vol 8, Issue 2
Experiments measuring primary productivity, biotic and abiotic environmental factors in carp ponds were carried out within three consecutive years (2004, 2005 and 2006). The aim of the study was investigation of the relations between the biotic and abiotic variables, their influence on the primary productivity and the effect of manuring on the fish ponds. The influence of environmental factors onto primary productivity was investigated in ponds with and without organic manure. Nitrate nitrogen demonstrated the closest relationship with the gross primary productivity followed by chlorophyll a level and N/P ratio in manured ponds. When no manuring was applied, the importance of the nutrients along the food chain: nutrients– phytoplankton – zooplankton decreased. Trends, which can be used for increasing of productivity in carp ponds, were obtained. They give indications to improve the existing practices for better management of production efficiency and water quality in fish farms.
Authors and Affiliations
Doychin Terziyski, Roumen Kalchev, Hristina Kalcheva, Vesselin Alexandrov
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