Reliability and validity in medical research
Journal Title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi - Year 2012, Vol 39, Issue 2
Scientists commonly refer to study instruments during medical research. In fact, the reliability and validity issues go beyond psychometric studies and can be linked with any kind measurements. In this study we aimed to explain the reliability and validity concepts by giving examples. It is possible to evaluate the reliability and validity of an instrument by scientific methods. If we speak of reliability, we have to mention stability (having the same results in repeated measurements from the same sample), equivalence, and homogeneity. Homogeneity is related with internal consistency; it measures how close results are obtained from items intending to measure the same structure. In other words, how consistent are the different items in measuring the same feature? Accordingly, the following types of reliability can be measured: parallel forms, test/ retest, inter-observer reliability, split half, and Cronbach alfa. From the point of validity, we will discuss content validity, predictive validity, construct validity, concurrent validity, and face validity. Science means measurement. Wrong measurements will make our evidence and thus the treatments unreliable. Therefore, medical researchers have to give utmost importance in receiving valid and reliable results from the instruments they use.
Authors and Affiliations
Zekeriya Aktürk, Hamit Acemoğlu
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