Reliability assessment to determine the optimal forced outage rate of components

Journal Title: Scientific Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 3


Determining the optimal forced outage rate (FOR) ofcomponents can lead to reducing the operational and maintenance costs inelectric power systems. FOR is closely associated with two factors: number ofoutages and duration of outages. Therefore, it is possible to decrease the FORthrough decreasing the number of outages or reducing the duration ofoutages. Decreasing number of outages is usually carried out throughreinforcement of the network and reducing the duration of outages is mainlyperformed through increasing the repair and maintenance groups. Both of theproposed methods to decrease the FOR possess the costs. Therefore, it is verysuitable to find the optimal rate of FOR and avoiding unnecessary costs. Thispaper presents a new methodology to find the optimal rate of FOR. In thisregard, the system reliability is assessed and evaluated from view of FOR andthe optimal rate of FOR is denoted for all components.

Authors and Affiliations

H. Daryabad| Sama Technical and Vocational Training College, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr Branch, Tehran, Iran.


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  • EP ID EP322
  • DOI 10.14196/sjpas.v3i3.1240
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How To Cite

H. Daryabad (2014). Reliability assessment to determine the optimal forced outage rate of components. Scientific Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 3(3), 113-119.