Repere fenomenologice în isihasm

Journal Title: Buletin Științific, seria A, Fascicula Filologie - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue


The object of this paper is the field of the phenomenology of the sacred which enters into the research framework of religious anthropology. This paper attempts a historiographical opening regarding the inception of hesychasm, the founders of this movement being John of the Ladder, Saint John Cassian, Gregory Palamas, St. Maximus the Confessor. Hesychasm involves a praxis: the ascesis, the prayer of the heart, light as epiphanic essence. Hesychasm has a strong soteriological dimension. The paper analizes the constants of Romanian hesychasm, its elements of continuity.

Authors and Affiliations

Petru Dunca


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How To Cite

Petru Dunca (2016). Repere fenomenologice în isihasm. Buletin Științific, seria A, Fascicula Filologie, 0(), 393-398.