Reportaż śledczy jako narzędzie społecznej interwencji. Rzecz o ofiarach, katach i milczeniu (Czy Bóg wybaczy siostrze Bernadetcie? Justyny Kopińskiej)
Journal Title: Prace Literaturoznawcze - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 5
The book Is God Going to Forgive Nun Bernadetta by Justyna Kopińska, showing to the public the abnormalities and pathologies of functioning at the Special Education Centre of the Boromeuszki nuns in Zabrze, will be the subject of our interest. We will be concerned with the techniques which allow us to put this text in the field of investigative journalism (such as facts management, the realization of compositional and stylistic assumptions, creating portraits of characters, and respecting ethical rules of journalism).
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna Szydłowska
Metafizyczny obraz miłości w The Good-Morrow J. Donne’a
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