Reproductive Morbidity and Endocrinological Profile of Unmarried Adolescent Girls (16-18 years) in Urban Setting
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 3
Background: Adolescence, defined by WHOM as period between 10-19 years, represents an unique period of life cyle. In India every 5th person is adolescent. Adolescent girls are in a crucial stage of their life cycle and their health can impact the health of future generations. so it is important to assess burden of morbidity among adolescents. Objectives: To study the reproductive morbidity of unmarried Adolescent girls (16-18 years.) also to study the endocrinological profile of unmarried Adolescent girls (16-18 years). Methods: This cross-sectional study was done among higher secondary schools of Thiruvananthapuram Corporation area, which is the capital city of the State of Kerala in South India. A structured questionnaire was administered to 360adolescent girls, aged 16-18years, to assess reproductive morbidity. General physical examination and blood tests were done to assess endocrinological profile. Results: (55.1) belonged to 16 years, 154 (42.8) belonged to 17 years and 8 (2%) to 18 years. The mean age of menarche was 12.69 years).Majority79.4% belonged to middle class, 17.2% belonged to lower class, and 3.4% to upper class. High prevalence of underweight ie 146 girls (33%) had under weight and 2% had obesity. Clinically pallor was seen among122 girls (34%).diffuse thyroid enlargement was noted for 27 (5.4%). 185(37.5%) had acne and 50 (10%) showed hyperpigmentation. Hirsuitism was found in 32 (6.4%) girls. 61.1% of girls reported gynaecological morbidity. Major problem was dysmenorrhoea and 61.1% of girls reported having dysmenorrhoea. Irregular cycles were reported by 11.1% of girls. Abnormal uterine bleeding was reported by126 (45.3%) commonest symptom was Oligomenorrhoea reported by 96 (26.7%). heavy menstrual bleeding was reported by16(4.4%).irregular cycles were reported by 11.8% of girls 18.8 of girls reported vaginal discharge. 14.4 % had itching and vaginal discharge. Regarding endocrinological problems, Thyroid enlargement was detected in 27 (7.5%) out of which 23(6.3% )were diagnosed to have hypothyroidism. PCOS was seen in 13(3.6% ) out of which 12 were obese PCOS. Conclusion: Based on our study we conclude that a high proportion of unmarried adolescent girls suffer reproductive morbidity and Endocrinological morbidity which are associated with long term consequences. There is an urgent need to restructure reproductive and sexual health care programme of adolescents with main focus on primary prevention measures.
Authors and Affiliations
Nirmala. C
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