Requirements for bucket wheel excavator teeth operating in hard mineable soils Wymagania stawiane zębom czerpaków koparek wielonaczyniowych kołowych eksploatowanych w utworach trudno urabialnych
Journal Title: Górnictwo Odkrywkowe - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 1
The wear of teeth in bucket wheel excavators (BWE) operating in hard mineable soils has been presented. Results of model tests of different types of teeth carried out on experimental stands have been discussed. The rule of teeth self – sharpening and resulting benefits have been shown. Methods of teeth assembly on bucket knives have been presented. Also technologies of bucket teeth manufacturing have been described. List of requirements for bucket teeth which should be met by BWEs operating in hard mineable soils has been presented.
Authors and Affiliations
Jerzy Alenowicz
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