Research of the Solidification Process and Prediction of the Structure of Cast Cast-Iron Grinding Bodies
Journal Title: Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки - Year 2018, Vol 31, Issue
The aim of the study was to calculate the kinetics of crystallization and to determine the rational mode for cooling castings of a crushing cylinder and a crushing ball in metallic form to ensure that the surface wear-resistant bleached layer does not have more than a third of the size (or radius of the ball) from the surface of the body. The use of the finite element method for numerical calculation of solidification of castings of grinding bodies of cylindrical and spherical bodies in chill molds is considered depending on the chemical composition of the alloy and for predicting the ratio between the amount of ledeburite, which determines the wear resistance of grinding bodies, and the amount of austenite-graphite eutectic. The experimental chemical composition of cast iron for grinding bodies: 3-3.9% C, 2.8-4% Si, 0.6-1.2% Mn; less 0.03% P, less 0,02% S. For cylindrical and spherical bodies, the thermal conductivity functional was obtained and the kinetics of crystallization of castings was calculated. The data obtained indicate an inhomogeneity in the distribution of the linear rate of solidification along the cross-section of cast products. At the beginning of the process, the solidus front has a relatively high velocity (0.08 mm / s), which rapidly decreases with increasing thickness of the crust. Further, with the passage of time, the thickness of the two-phase zone gradually decreases and in the central part of the casting the rate of solidification is ~ 0.005 mm / sec. It is established that the microstructure of low-chromium cast iron (~ 1% Cr) is perlite-ledeburite. The carbide phase is represented by doped cementite (Fe, Cr)3С. A comparative analysis of the operational properties and the cost of their achievement showed that in today's conditions, it is a compromise to make cast grinding bodies from low-alloyed cast iron (0.8-1% Cr). The data obtained by the calculation method are in good agreement with the results of production tests of cast grinding bodies, which made it possible to optimize the technology for manufacturing such products.
Authors and Affiliations
Viktor Lomakin, Vasyl Klymenko, Olexandr Kuzyk, Maxym Goriuk
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