Reserves use of arable land in Dagestan

Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 4


The land issue is one of the most pressing issues for Dagestan. Dagestan has a significant agro–land potential, the effective use of which will allow joining in the solution of the task of food import substitution. Private property is not always effective in countries with a mixed economical. In carrying out land reform, which will be based on private ownership of agricultural land, it is necessary to recognize that access to land resources may be limited by a variety of social, climatic, economic and other factors, so it is necessary to eliminate or at least reduce the impact of these factors before the land reform is implemented. Based on the world and national experience of land reform implementation, at the present stage, taking into account local and regional conditions, such as peculiarities of land use, institutional structure, as the relationship between land use and local cultural identity is recognized as a necessary condition for achieving the goals of transformation of economic relations on agricultural land. Special agro-climatic conditions conducive to the production of ecologically clean agricultural products competitive according to the criteria of its composition and taste, the presence of a reserve labour force in rural areas, emphasize the strategic importance of the agricultural sector of Dagestan. Therefore, the rational use of the existing arable land is of strategic importance for the Republic, ensuring its food security and import substitution.

Authors and Affiliations

R. Salikhov


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  • EP ID EP482872
  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1236225
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How To Cite

R. Salikhov (2018). Reserves use of arable land in Dagestan. Бюллетень науки и практики, 4(4), 115-119.