Resource Motivation for Merger and Takeover of Corporations of Different Economic Activities
Journal Title: Бізнес Інформ - Year 2015, Vol 12, Issue 0
The publication summarizes the main resource motivation as to mergers and takeovers of national corporations: access to both the raw material and the intellectual resources of country. Technological processing chains for raw materials processing have been discovered, which has led to grouping the enterprises of different economic activities by the enterprises for primary production and the enterprises for production of the first and second levels of industrial processing. Also levels of dependence of activity as to processes of merger and takeover have been disclosed. Using the scoring method together with matrix approach, a ranking of all kinds of economic activities has been conducted for those with low material and labor costs; with high material costs; with high labour costs; with both high material and high labor costs. Should the efficiency of mergers and takeovers in the selected groups depend on reducing the cost of labor and is achieved by means of mergers and takeovers of a horizontal type, a decrease in the level of material costs would be achieved by means of the vertical mergers and takeovers.
Authors and Affiliations
Anastasia Oksak
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