Respiratory papillomatosis – new methods of treatment
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2010, Vol 64, Issue 1
Background: Respiratory papillomatosis is caused by HPV. The most common location in head and neck is larynx, palatine tonsils and arches of palate, uvula and mucosa oral and nasal cavity. The disease is benign but recurrent. The aim of this study was to estimate new methods of treatment respiratory papillomatosis based on intralesional injection of cidofovir into sites where papillomas had just been excised. Methods: The purpose of the study were 59 patients treating in Otolaryngology Clinic Stomatology Department Medical University of Warsaw. The treatment was based on surgical excision of papilloma and after it intralesional injection of cidofovir in after 4-5 weeks. Results: We observed the patients during 28 months. 41 patients had 4 times intralesional injection of cidofovir . 18 patients had increased number of injection of ciodofovir because of recurrent papilloma. Rest of this group of the patients clinical studies showed remission disease. Conclusion: Surgery with intralesional cidofovir injection in the place after removal of papilloma is very effective methods. We observed that this treatment caused long lasting remission of papilloma recurrence.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Nowaczewska, Piotr Wójtowicz, Andrzej Kukwa, Jan Ratajczak, Marek Tulibacki
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