Response of Broilers to “Dusa”, a Millet Residue Meal: Effects on Carcass Traits and Blood Profile
Journal Title: Journal of Animal Science Advances - Year 2015, Vol 5, Issue 5
The effect of the inclusion of 0, 5, 10 and 15% (T1, T2, T3 and T4 respectively) of millet residue meal (MRM) at the expense of maize in broiler diets on carcass characteristics, haematology and serum biochemical components was studied in an 8-week experiment using 240 unsexed day-old broiler chicks. The birds were randomly assigned to four dietary treatments of 60 birds per treatment, each replicated thrice with 20 birds per replicate in a complete randomized design. All the parameters studied for carcass characteristics did not show significant (P>0.05) differences except empty intestine weight. T4 showed the highest dressing % though it had the lowest live weight. Variables for haematology were not (p>0.05) significantly influenced by the test diets. The result for the serum metabolites did not show any significant (P>0.05) differences in the experiment. This result clearly indicates that MRM do not have any factors that will impact negatively on blood profile of birds. The study therefore suggest that MRM could be included in broiler feed formulation as a partial replacement for maize without any adverse effect on the carcass characteristics blood profile.
Authors and Affiliations
F. Abakisi , C. C. Atuahene , V. Attoh-Kotoku , M. B. Adjei
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