Results of treatment papilloma of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 62, Issue 5
Introduction. Papilloma of the nose and paranasal sinuses is a benign tumor originated from nose mucosa. Especially inverted papilloma tumor has a significant recurrence and malignancy potential rate. The aim of the study was the analysis of clinical and treatment outcomes of patients with papilloma of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Material and methods. The retrospective analysis was curried out on 41 patients – 16 with papiloma of the nasal vestibule and 25 with inverted papilloma the nose and paranasal sinuses surgically treated in I ENT Clinic Medical University in Lodz between 1998–2004 years. We analyzed patient’s complains, clinical data and surgical follow-up results. Results. The most frequent complains was increasing unilateral nasal obstruction and rhinorhea. Nasal vestibule papilloma were intranasal removed in all cases. In extended tumor nose and paranasal sinuses in 14 cases intranasal procedures, in 7 sublabial approached, in 4 lateral rhynothomy were performed. In 5 patient local recurrences was observed and in 3 neoplasmatic transformation. Conclusion. The choice of surgical management should be individual with respect to tumor localization and extension of neoplasmatic process. The treatment result depends of radical tumor resection.
Authors and Affiliations
Marek Łukomski, Renata Obrębka, Katarzyna Starska, Wioletta Pietruszewska, Marcin Durko, Anna Pajor, Maciej Gryczyński, Magdalena Józefowicz-Korczyńska
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