Review of Shunthi (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) in Ayurvedic Literature

Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 9


Shunthi (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) belongs to Zingiberaceae family. It is a perennial erect herb with a creeping tuberous rhizome. Root stock horizontal, tuberous, aromatic, stout, rhizome with erect leafy stems 0.6-1.4 meter high. Stem elongated, leafy, 15-150 cm. tall. Leaves narrow, linear, sessile and sub sessile on the sheaths, with an alternative base, acuminate, glabrous, 10-50 cm. long lower part surrounding the stem, 5-10 inch long, smooth, ligule glabrous and sheaths glabrous. Flowers- shoot up to 12 cm long, clothed with sheaths; bracts 2-5 cm x 2 cm, light green; corolla tube light yellow, lip orbicular, dull purple with creamy blotches. Flowering and fruiting during July – September. It is cultivated almost throughout India. Shunthi, mahaushdh, vishw, nagar, vishwbheshaj, vishvaushadh, katugranthi, katubhadr, katushn, sauparn, shringver, kafari, aardrak, shoshan, nagar are its various synonyms found in ayurvedic texts. Rasa -Katu, Guna – snigdha, virya – ushna, vipaka – Madhura are properties of this drug. Drug is shothahara and Vatakaphahara and used as deepana and bhedana. It is used in various disease like shula, amavata, aadhyamana, atisara, shlipada, kasa, shwasa, hridroga, shopha, hikka, vibandha, rakttapita, pandu, vrana, jvara, kustha, agnimandya etc.

Authors and Affiliations

Dr Satyendra Kumar Singh


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How To Cite

Dr Satyendra Kumar Singh (2017). Review of Shunthi (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) in Ayurvedic Literature. Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research, 5(9), 28094-28104.