Right to Information Act- Catalyst for Good Governance in India

Journal Title: Research Journal of Philosophy & Social Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 2


Right to information is the right given to Indian citizens by the government to increase the level of transparency in the democratic system of India. As stated by Supreme Court of India that “People are the masters, the masters have a right to know how the governments, meant to serve them, are functioning.”With this basic right we have the right to know what government and its various departments, departmental officers are doing and we can ask for that information from them. In this paper we have discussed that how RTI can prove to be a vehicle for good governance for a developing country like India, why it is crucial for India to have successfully implemented RTI Act and what are the hurdles in its successful implementation for our country.

Authors and Affiliations

Geeta Kahol


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How To Cite

Geeta Kahol (2017). Right to Information Act- Catalyst for Good Governance in India. Research Journal of Philosophy & Social Sciences, 0(2), 263-270. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-520023