Risk Factors for Seizures in Children with Cerebral Palsy – A Descriptive Study
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2017, Vol 16, Issue 3
Background: Children between the age group of 1 to 12 years suffering from cerebral palsy with and without seizures have a higher risk of mortality and morbidity. Few interventions likely to be beneficial like maternal risk factors, antenatal, natal, postnatal growth and development, neonatal seizures and its related complications1. Aims and objectives: To find out the risk factors for Seizures in children with Cerebral Palsy. To study maternal physical and socio-economic risk factors responsible for cerebral palsy and seizures in cerebral palsy also to identify significant modifiable risk factors for cerebral palsy in the locality, if any, and point out strategic measures to favourably modify those. Materials and methods: It is a descriptive, Matched pair, case-control study. The study was done on Cerebral palsy babies in Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Science & Research Centre, Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu during the period of January 2011-April 2016. This was a retrospective descriptive study of children with cerebral palsy (with and without seizures) were admitted. Obstetrical and maternal risk factors,natal and neonatal, growth and development upto the age of 12 years were collected. Overall 400 children were included in this study, Cerebral palsy children with and without seizures. Results: Out of total 400children during 4years and 3 months (January 2011 – April 2016), there were 200 children had cerebral palsy without seizures and remaining children had cerebral palsy with seizures. The male population were 62.3% & female were37.7%. Conclusions: Maternal factors like Age, socio-economic status (SES), parity, height, pre-pregnancy weight, gestational weight gain , hypertension, anaemia, Previous history of IUGR, and adequacy of Anti-natal Checkup, maternal education , place of delivery, birth asphyxia, neonatal seizures, pattern of seizures, duration of seizures, number of episodes of seizures, family history of seizures , neonatal jaundice, were significant and to pinpoint modifiable ones & suggest strategies to favourably modify cerebral palsy and seizures in cerebral palsy children.
Authors and Affiliations
B. Rajeshkannan, K. Ravikumar
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