Risk Management of Processes in the Quality Management System


The article refers to the issue of risk management. It gives an example of the implementation of the risk management process in an enterprise operating in an environment of quality management system ISO 9001. The case study is preceded with a theoretical background of the process approach and risk-based approach in the context of international standardization.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Walaszczyk


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  • EP ID EP392881
  • DOI 10.17951/h.2018.52.1.201
  • Views 55
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How To Cite

Anna Walaszczyk (2018). Risk Management of Processes in the Quality Management System. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio H Oeconomia, 0(1), 201-210. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-392881