Risk-sustainability evaluation of process-oriented organizations with the linguistic variables using
Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка - Year 2015, Vol 10, Issue
Theoretical approaches for developing practical methods of assessment and analysis organization’s risk-sustainability are proposed in the article on a base of process-oriented methodology for analysis and risk-sustainability evaluation, which will provide scientificalmethodological support for solving practical problems risk-sustainability management organizations and their business processes. The purpose of using specified methods is to solve risk-sustainability management problems in decision-making for followings: diagnostic of business processes risksustainability condition, identifying vulnerabilities business processes from the negative impact configurations risk factors: monitoring of the condition of uncertainty environments and business processes risk-sustainability: identifying possible transition of business processes from conditions «stable» and «risk-saved» to conditions «critical risk» and «catastrophic risk»; operative reacting management system to business processes risksustainability conditions rejecting outside of the allowable zones. The approach, which are proposed is the variant of practical implementation methodology of four-phasic analysis and risk-sustainability evaluation process of organization and its business processes in management organization practice. According to this methodology risk-sustainability estimation is performed by using system of related linguistic variables, which are characterizing uncertainty properties of key factors and defining risk-sustainability level of organization and its business processes. Content interpretation of gradations quality scales of linguistic variables is determined by nature and character manifestation of main «carrier» of objects assessment and analysis uncertainty. In the proposed version organization risk-sustainability is determined by the properties of uncertainty business processes environments, by risk-secure and risk-sustainability properties of business processes, by scheme and character of business processes organization interaction. Determined in accordance with the methods of linguistic variables allow create final linguistic variables, which level of uncertainty affect directly on interests balance of organization with the corresponding key stakeholders. The final decision as for organization risk-sustainability condition is formed through application of the principles accepted in risksustainability organization policy, considering its risk-sustainability in the context of interactions with key stakeholders.
Authors and Affiliations
Volodymyr Talalaev, Larysa Postavnaya
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