Riverbed vegetable farming’s contribution in livelihood recovery of Nepalese farmers.
Journal Title: International Journal of Biological Innovations - Year 2021, Vol 3, Issue 1
A study was conducted on municipalities and rural municipalities of Udayapur and Siraha districts, Nepal in 2019 to analyze the contribution of riverbed vegetable farming in livelihood of farmers among 120 households. Descriptive and statistical tools were used to analyze the data collected through multistage purposive random sampling procedure using structured interview schedule, Key Informants Interview (KII) and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) as well as secondary data from Agriculture Information Centre, Village Level Government Agriculture Worker and local NGO's report. The data and analysis suggested that there were positive changes in livelihood of farmers assisted by riverbed vegetable farming in both districts. Furthermore, results revealed by study showed that annual gross household income of riverbed vegetable farmers was higher in the Siraha district compared with the Udayapur district. Wilcoxon signed Rank sum test revealed that food self-sufficiency, food intake, change in shed type, latrine type positively changed after riverbed vegetable farming whereas there was no change in the land status and roof type in both the districts. Paired t-test showed the positive changes in the physical assets like television, mobile, chair, bed, table owned by the riverbed farmers in both districts. The result of this study indicated that contribution of riverbed vegetable farming in the livelihood of farmers are different for both farmers and are specific in the respective district. Findings of study will be useful forpolicy makers and others who are working on the livelihood of farmers in riverbed vegetable farming.
Authors and Affiliations
Shivam Jaiswal and Om Prakash Singh
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