Robust Video Content Authentication using Video Binary Pattern and Extreme Learning Machine


Recently, due to easy accessibility of smartphones, digital cameras and other video recording devices, a radical enhancement has been experienced in the field of digital video technology. Digital videos have become very vital in court of law and media (print, electronic and social). On the other hand, a widely-spread availability of Video Editing Tools (VETs) have made video tampering very easy. Detection of this tampering is very important, because it may affect the understanding and interpretation of video contents. Existing techniques used for detection of forgery in video contents can be broadly categorized into active and passive. In this research a passive technique for video tampering detection in spatial domain is proposed. The technique comprises of two phases: 1) Extraction of features with proposed Video Binary Pattern (VBP) descriptor, and 2) Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) based classification. Experimental results on different datasets reveal that the proposed technique achieved accuracy 98.47%.

Authors and Affiliations

Mubbashar Sadddique, Khurshid Asghar, Tariq Mehmood, Muhammad Hussain, Zulfiqar Habib


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  • EP ID EP626651
  • DOI 10.14569/IJACSA.2019.0100833
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How To Cite

Mubbashar Sadddique, Khurshid Asghar, Tariq Mehmood, Muhammad Hussain, Zulfiqar Habib (2019). Robust Video Content Authentication using Video Binary Pattern and Extreme Learning Machine. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications, 10(8), 264-269.