Rodzina wielodzietna w dobie współczesnych przemian
Journal Title: KONIŃSKIE STUDIA SPOŁECZNO-EKONOMICZNE - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 1
The institution of the family seems to be the most representative and authori-tative community of people where thought currents and social phenomenon of contemporary times are focused like in the lens. In the course of reflection about the dynamic structure of this institution, we can see the presentation of the function of the family firstly captured and then presented planes of its anal-ysis. The numerous family is particularly perceived as the community where all the values are imparted and tradition is cherished. This renders that extremely strong interpersonal relationships are created and they give a sense of security and mutual solidarity. Both the process of development of the communication in this type of family and propinquity of the members of the family in the psy-chological aspect not only integrate its unity but also protect the family effec-tively against some contemporary dangers such as: reduction of human’s atti-tudes and aspirations towards hedonism, utilitarianism and conformism. Finally, it also causes positive impulse that leads to some actions which may create the prospects of optimistic and full of hope world in the future.
Authors and Affiliations
Elżbieta Cygnar, Marek Mierzyński, Maria Merklinger-Soma
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