Rola czynników psychologicznych w patogenezie zaburzeń głosu spowodowanych guzkami głosowymi
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 62, Issue 6
Introduction. Hoarseness is most frequent complaint notifi ed by ill in phoniatric outpatient clinics. Looking of causes notifi ed of disturbances of voice often we ascertain in larynx existence of vocal nodules. Changes these come into being in consequence of excessive or irregular phonations. Single incident of disturbances of voice caused with oedema changes nascent of in consequence of inappropriate work with voice does not wake of our trouble, instead returns this of type of complaint provoke to other researches coexisting of etiological factors this diseases. Aim. Estimation of infl uence of individual personality trait of ill on formation of vocal nodules. Material and methods. One examined 20 patients with vocal nodules classifi ed to treatments operating and 20 without disturbances of voice. All patients were subjected to otolaryngological and stroboscopic examinations. Character created of voice one examined at help of scale GRBAS, instead infl uence of disturbances of voice on quality of life ill at help of test VHI. Psychological examinations one executed using questionnaire State-Trait-Anxiety-Inventory( STAI), questionnaire NEO-FFI and questionnaire of aggression Buss-Perry. Results. Obtained results showed, that persons with returning vocal nodules, both during of research as in different situations everyday lives characterizes with higher level of fear and have greater inclination to worry oneself. Ill from groups examined in greater degree are extroverts, show greater activity and more are contagious socially in comparison to persons of comparative group. Attitude this in situations extorting rivalry will be able to be ruthless, are well organized guided, scrupulous and consistently endeavour to aim. Conclusions. Wanting effi ciently to treat persons with returning vocal nodules we should subject to ill psychological examination and in once of ascertainment of irregularity to correct it, what at simultaneous correct treatment of organic changes should diminish frequency or to eliminate returns of disease. Skill psychological looks on patient by therapists treating disturbances of voice and speeches in case not large emotional instabilities probably would be able to improve results of treatment ill not only with functional disturbances of voice but also with disturbances of voice caused with organic changes in larynx.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Jan Ratajczak, Krzysztof Grzywacz, Andrzej Wojdas, Piotr Rapiejko, Dariusz Jurkiewicz
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