Poland and the Netherlands had established trade relations in Xth century. From XIIIth to XVIIIth century they evolved to the large scale. Both trade ports Gdańsk and Amsterdam had become the most important cities in con...
The article presents some facts from the biography of Archbishop Tadeusz Gocłowski who lived and worked in a very important period for the Church and Motherland. And he was not merely a witness of these historic events,...
Wojciech Stankiewicz (2012). Rola i zadania Międzynarodowego Komitetu Czerwonego Krzyża (MKCK)
w systemie ochrony praw człowieka. Cywilizacja i Polityka, 10(10),
155-172. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-189820
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Kościelno-prawna ochrona zabytków sakralnych w Polsce
Holenderska misja gospodarcza w Polsce
Poland and the Netherlands had established trade relations in Xth century. From XIIIth to XVIIIth century they evolved to the large scale. Both trade ports Gdańsk and Amsterdam had become the most important cities in con...
Instytucjonalizacja ochrony praw uchodźców w systemie ONZ.
Z księgi życia arcybiskupa Tadeusza Gocłowskiego
The article presents some facts from the biography of Archbishop Tadeusz Gocłowski who lived and worked in a very important period for the Church and Motherland. And he was not merely a witness of these historic events,...
Tryumf Dionizosa. Rzecz o kulturze politycznej polskiego sarmatyzmu i romantyzmu