Rola monitoringu statystycznego na polskim rynku zamówień publicznych
Journal Title: Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue
The author formulated a hypothesis, that the main role of statistic monitoring on the Polish public procurement market is to achieve three tasks. The first task is to enable monitoring the current situation on the market. The second is to assess changes which are being introduced into public procurement system. The third is to enable the assessment of goals achievement of domestic and EU public procurement policy. Up till now the monitoring has been based only on simple statistic figures. The results were very useful and helpful for all participants of the public procurement system in Poland. The resent requirement specified by EU is to increase the efficiency of public procurement policy. The most effective means to achieve the goal would be advance statistical analyses.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Borowicz
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