ROLA REGULACJI EMOCJI U DZIECI I MŁODZIEŻY, The role of emotion regulation in children and adolescents

Journal Title: Czasopismo Pedagogiczne/The Journal of Pedagogy - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 4


Adjusting the excitement concerns the right to express, manage and communicate emotions. It is an important skill that develops from birth, and then shaped in the course of development. Scientists exchange adaptive and non-adaptive ways to regulate emotions. Among the adaptation we can be mentioned among others, cognitive reinterpretation. If the children regulate their emotional states in an adaptive, rapidly reaching school readiness and are better adapted to life in the environment. This article describes the mechanisms of emotion regulation, the development of emotion regulation, and also shows the proper ways to support children and youth in the effective acquisition and consolidation of this important development skills.

Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Modzelewski, Małgorzata Osowiecka


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How To Cite

Piotr Modzelewski, Małgorzata Osowiecka (2017). ROLA REGULACJI EMOCJI U DZIECI I MŁODZIEŻY, The role of emotion regulation in children and adolescents. Czasopismo Pedagogiczne/The Journal of Pedagogy, 1(4), 7-15.