Role of Apamarg-Kshar Tail in Dushta-Vrana
Journal Title: International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry - Year 2014, Vol 1, Issue 1
A wound is a break in the integrity of the skin or tissue often, which may be associated with destruction of structure and function. Wound is simply a disruption of any tissues. In surgery wound is primary pathology and infection is the most common complication of wound healing. It is encountered in every surgical speciality. Infection leads to cellular and vascular response to bacterial injury. In Ayurveda, infected wound can be compared to dushta-vrana. Vrana is a sarva-sharirgatvyadhi with tridoshaj pathology. Various treatment modalities are described in classical texts of Ayurveda. Ancient Acharyas emphasized the use of Kshar in the treatment of dushta-vrana specially Apamarg-kshar. It also gives symptomatic relief to the patient
Authors and Affiliations
Tikeshwar Karanjekar, Anubhuti P. Manwar, Subhash Y. Raut, Arun M. Lakhapati
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