Background : Triple A syndrome (All grove syndrome) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by the clinical triads of adrenal insufficiency, achalasia cardia and alacrima.It was first described by Allgrove i...
Jhuma Sankar (2014). Role of Echocardiography in the critically ill child. Journal Of Pediatric Critical Care, 1(1),
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Triple “A” Syndrome Presenting As Recurrent Chronic Sinusitis With Pneumonia, Septic Shock And Meningoencephalitis In A 13 Years Old Boy
Background : Triple A syndrome (All grove syndrome) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by the clinical triads of adrenal insufficiency, achalasia cardia and alacrima.It was first described by Allgrove i...
Tropical infections: Topical relevance
Secondary Complications In Tuberculous Meningitis In Children: A Prospective Cohort Study From India
Evaluation Of The Prognostic Score Chart For The Prediction Of Development Of Profound Shock In Children Presenting With Dengue Shock Syndrome : A Cross Sectional Study