Role of I, U and T Identity with Dynamic Nature of Identity Influential Factors in the world of New Media
Journal Title: International Journal of Research in Social Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 10
Every person who has his domicile in the territory of India and who is born in the territory of India is the citizen of India. Article 5 of Indian Constitution confirms the identity of an individual as an Indian or not. Similarly the physical body or sex chromosomes of an individual help to detect one’s gender identity. We identify a person as rich or poor, strong or weak by observing some specific criteria. An individual develops his or her identity based on own perception regarding himself and others opinion about that individual. But in reality, it is quite difficult to figure out 100% original identity of an individual by himself or by others. So identity can be of three types; first of all an identity which is given or accepted by a person by him/herself (which can be named as “I” identity), secondly identity of a person created on the basis of other’s perceptions (YOU Identity) and thirdly identity which is a true identity or complete identity of an individual (“T” for true identity). All these three types of identity are greatly influenced by both physical (like Geopolitical territory) and mental factors (like culture, ideology). These Identity influencing factors are having some limitations or boundary. The people who come under the boundary of identity influential factor that factors become the part of their identity. For example, people staying inside the territory of India become Indian and who follows the Hindu philosophy they are identified as Hindu. Nowadays due to the impact of new media irrespective of the rigid political boundaries, ideological and cultural boundary of the society are becoming more dynamic. Therefore it’s important to understand the relation of digitally influenced dynamic boundaries of the identity influential factor with the identity of an individual.
Authors and Affiliations
Mr. Alekha Sachidananda Nayak
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