Role of Neutrophilic Lymphocytic Ratio in prognosis of patients with stroke

Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 1


Abstract: The present study was undertaken at Dr. S. N. medical college which included 96 (Male/female: 59/37) patients presenting with acute stroke. Majority of the patients were from age group 40-75 year of age (72.92). Of the total 73 patients had AIS and 23 had AHS. The AHS patients had significantly higher mortality rate (p<0.05). Patients who expired were of significantly higher age group as compare to survived patients (p<0.05). Of the total 31 expired patients in our study, 16 (51.6%) expired during the hospital stay and rest 15 (48.4) patients expired within 3 months of event after discharge. On admission mean NLR was found significantly higher in patients those died as compare to survived patient, (8.96±7.98; 6.04±5.03;p<0.05). The NLR value of >4.814 had significantly higher mortality rate (p<0.001). The cut off value of NLR >4.814 demonstrated a sensitivity of 67.74%, specificity of 58.46%, positive Predictive Value of 43.80%, negative Predictive Value of 79.20% and AUC was 0.634. ROC curves were constructed to assess the predictive value of NLR. The mortality rate was statistically significantly higher for cut off value of ANC >6570 (p<0.002). The cut off value of ANC >6570 for mortality rate of acute stoke had sensitivity of 80.65%, specificity of 47.69%, Positive Predictive Value of 42.4%, negative Predictive Value of 83.8% and AUC = 0.616. In conclusion, NLR is a readily available and inexpensive biomarker for predicting the short term mortality for acute CVA. It can be utilized as a robust stand-alone prognostic marker for patients presenting with stroke. Keywords: stroke, prognostic marker, AHS, CVA

Authors and Affiliations

Ram Babu Gurjar, Dhan Raj Bagri, Hansraj Pahadiya


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How To Cite

Ram Babu Gurjar, Dhan Raj Bagri, Hansraj Pahadiya (2017). Role of Neutrophilic Lymphocytic Ratio in prognosis of patients with stroke. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, 5(1), 127-130.