Role of p53 as a Tumour Marker

Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 2


Tumor marker is a biochemical substance indicative of neoplasia and is ideally specific, sensitive, and proportional to tumor load. p53, is a 53 KD nuclear phosphoprotein which functions as tumor suppressor by inhibiting cell proliferation. p53 plays a dominant role in cellular apoptosis. p53 gene mutations are reported in approximately 50% of all types of cancers. The importance of its presence either in wild or in mutated form in pathogenesis of various neoplasms definitely invokes scientific attention towards this molecule, both as gene as well as protein

Authors and Affiliations

Dr Rupinder Kaur Multani


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How To Cite

Dr Rupinder Kaur Multani (2015). Role of p53 as a Tumour Marker. Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research, 3(2), 4458-4466.