Role of ultrasound and doppler in characterizing thyroid nodules and differentiating benign and malignant thyroid nodules


One of the consequences of increased use of imaging has been the discovery of incidentalomas or pseudodiseases that are common in the general population but have no or minor clinical significance One such incidentaloma the thyroid nodule is extremely common found in some autopsy series in as much as 50 of the general population Most thyroid nodules are benign usually as a part of multinodular changes Clinical examination is poor at detecting small thyroid nodules highlighted by the fact that approximately 70 of clinically normal thyroid glands contain nodules of less than 1 cm when examined sonographically The ultimate aim in the management of a thyroid nodule is to identify the small group of patients in whom the nodule is malignant and would benefit from early aggressive treatment while avoiding unnecessary investigation and surgery in the majority of patients who have a benign nodule In view of the above said we conducted this study to evaluate the diagnostic utility of ultrasound and doppler in characterizing thyroid nodules and differentiating benign and malignant thyroid nodules and correlation of this with the results of FNAC and or histopathology A prospective study comparing FNAC and HPE on 110 patients was performed Majority of our patients were in the age group of 4049 years predominant in femalesConclusion FNAC sampling is a simple technique which is easier to perform by the personnel and has better patient acceptability FNA of thyroid is basically a technique that helps in differentiating lesions that require surgery from those can be managed conservatively It can be used as initial modality in the evaluation of palpable thyroid nodules But imaging also yields accuate results comapable to FNAKeywords Ultrasound Doppler Thyroid FNAC Benign and malignant

Authors and Affiliations

Supreeth. N, Shubha. N. Rao, Reshmina Chandni Clara Dsouza, Elroy Saldanha, Peter Penual Joshua


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  • EP ID EP489794
  • DOI 10.18231/2455-846X.2018.0005
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How To Cite

Supreeth. N, Shubha. N. Rao, Reshmina Chandni Clara Dsouza, Elroy Saldanha, Peter Penual Joshua (2018). Role of ultrasound and doppler in characterizing thyroid nodules and differentiating benign and malignant thyroid nodules. IP Indian Journal of Anatomy and Surgery of Head, Neck and Brain, 4(1), 14-17.