Role of Ultrasound And Multiphase Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography in The Evaluation of Hepatobiliary Neoplasms
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2018, Vol 17, Issue 1
Aims And Objectives: To demonstrate the role of USG and triple phase CE-MDCT in accurate diagnosis, staging of hepatobiliary neoplasms and to study their epidemiology, risk factors and imaging findings. Materials And Methods: It was a hospital based, observational, descriptive and cross sectional study with a sample size of 120 cases during the period of 2 yrs. in the department of radio diagnosis, VIMSAR. Patients referred to our department with symptoms and imaging findings s/o malignancy were included. Non-neoplastic pathologies were excluded from the study. The patients were subjected to USG with Doppler, MDCT and FNAC. Results: Of the total 120 cases, the distribution was Liver metastasis- 45 cases, Carcinoma gall bladder-35, hepatocellular carcinoma – 20, Cholangiocarcinoma- 14, Hemangioma- 5, Hemangioendothelioma -1 case. Conclusion: The fact that most of the hepatobiliary neoplasms are malignant should be kept in mind. Malignant lesions constituted 95% of the cases. Liver metastasis was the most common liver tumor and carcinoma GB was the most common biliary tumor. Both USG and CECT are highly sensitive and specific and often complementary. Ultrasound with doppler should be the initial modality because of its real time high resolution images, cost effective nature. Regular ultrasound and CT screening programs in high risk patients like cholelithiasis, cirrhosis can help in early detection of malignant change.
Authors and Affiliations
Goguldeep V, BrajaBihari Panda, Shamimun Nisa, Bararuchi Dash, Savitri Bhagat
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