Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2011, Vol 58, Issue 12
On the short and medium term, the already high pressure imposed by a growing proportion of elderly in the population will be further augmented by the effects of the financial and economic crisis. In this context, the question regarding the financing and care of elderly persons, most exposed to the risk of poverty, is raised. Based on the data resulted from the Households Budget Survey developed by the National Institute of Statistics in the second trimester of 2010 in Romania, the authors aimed at identifying the perceptions of the elderly households with regard to their financial resources for coping with current consumption, the solutions taken into account, the role of the family and the solidarity relations in the community.
Authors and Affiliations
GDP and Foreign Investments Evolution
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Analiza SWOT - instrument managerial pentru eficientizarea activităţii
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Regiunea Sud-Vest Oltenia – potenţial natural şi uman pentru dezvoltare
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Aspecte teoretice şi practice de analiză a senzitivităţii investiţiei
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Risk Management and Its Economic-Financial Importance
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