Romanian legal instruments for implementing EU assistance in fishery.
Journal Title: Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation - International Journal of the Bioflux Society - Year 2010, Vol 3, Issue 5
In the present study the main components of the Fisheries Operational Programme (FOP) are presented. The implementation of these omponents aims to relaunch the Romanian fisheries sector on sustainable basis, given the financial support granted by the EU structural funds. The objectives and guidelines of the FOP are briefly presented. The components of the five priority axes are described (Priority Axis 1. Measures for adapting the communitarian fishing fleet; Priority Axis 2. Aquaculture, inland fishing, processing and marketing of fishery and aquaculture products, Priority Axis 3. Measures of common interest. Priority Axis 4. Sustainable development of fisheries areas, and Priority Axis 5. Technical assistance) and the measures required to be taken within each axis. There are also specified the shares of financial allocation made available by the EU for each axis.
Authors and Affiliations
Ioan Oroian
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