Romanizacja, kreolizacja i nie tylko
Journal Title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia - Year 2015, Vol 12, Issue
Romanizacja, kreolizacja i nie tylko. Rec. książki: Imperium und Romanisierung. Neue Forschungsansätze aus Ost und West zu Ausübung, Transformation und Akzeptanz von Herrschaft im Römischen Reich, hrsg. von Aleksander Rubel unter Mitwirkung von Iulia Dumitrache, Hartung-Gorre Verlag, Konstanz 2013, 248 s.
Authors and Affiliations
Leszek Mrozewicz
Aeneas anchisiades i pii fratres. Kilka uwag o kształtowaniu się wizerunku Eneasza w mennictwie rzymskim
The article discusses certain aspects of representations of Aeneas in Roman coinage, focusing in particular on the declining period of the Republic and Augustus’ principate. At the time, Aeneas; father, Anchises, would b...
Experiential learning of the Holocaust was initiated in Israel through youth trips to Poland in the late 1980s. The young age of participants harbors both advantages and disadvantages. In this article we attempt to analy...
Wybór Klaudiusza na cesarza
The article offers a critical analysis of the source accounts which present the circumstances surrounding the election of Claudius for princeps. Among other things, I attempt to answer the question whether his appointmen...
Postać Elżbiety Batory w historiografii
The aim of the paper is to present the figure of Elisabeth Bathory as it is shown in historiography and to confront the myths surrounding her person with the findings of the researchers, especially Hungarian scholars who...
Libros y mujeres en el “siglo del oro”
Recenzja książki: Pedro M. Cátedra y Anastasio Rojo, Bibliotecas y lecturas de mujeres. Siglo XVI, Instituto de Historia del Libro y de la Lectura, Salamanca 2004, 464 pp