The present article regards the specificity of the realization of the Polish theme in N. Leskov’s prose. This element of the Russian writer’s artistic world is represented in his writing of the 1860s-1880s. N. Leskov had...
The article displays the image of Russia through the eyes of Wat in reference to the mental
Russia of Miłosz. It discusses the similarities and differences of both of the views. It indicates the
affinities in experiencin...
EP ID EP646789
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How To Cite
Natalia Maslennikowa (2001). Россия и Польша : (о книге В. В. Розанова "Война 1914 года и русскоe возрождениe"). ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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Miejsce i rola Polski w wizji rosyjskich panslawistów drugiej połowy XIX wieku i neoslawistów z początków XX wieku
Na drodze do "słowiańskiej wzajemności"
Польска-беларускія моўныя сувязі ў асьвятеленьні беларускіx эміграцыйных часопісаў
Polish oeuvre" in N. Leskov’sprose
The present article regards the specificity of the realization of the Polish theme in N. Leskov’s prose. This element of the Russian writer’s artistic world is represented in his writing of the 1860s-1880s. N. Leskov had...
Rosja Aleksandra Wata – Czesławowi Miłoszowi ukazana
The article displays the image of Russia through the eyes of Wat in reference to the mental Russia of Miłosz. It discusses the similarities and differences of both of the views. It indicates the affinities in experiencin...