Розвиток уявлень про поняття кримінальної процесуальної діяльності


У статті на підставі аналізу становлення та розвитку теоретичних уявлень про кримінальний процес (кримінальне судочинство, кримінальне провадження) висвітлено еволюцію поглядів на кримінальну процесуальну діяльність, її зміст та сутність. У підсумку з урахуванням положень КПК України 2012 року сформульовано авторське визначення кримінальної процесуальної діяльності та визначено співвідношення між її пошуково-пізнавальною, імперативною та посвідчувальною складовими. In the article, based on the analysis of the formation and development of theoretical ideas about the criminal process (criminal justice, criminal proceedings), the evolution of views on criminal procedural activity, are highlighted its content and essence. As a result, in the light of the provisions of the CPC of Ukraine in 2012, the author's definition of criminal procedural activities is formulated and the relation between her search-cognitive, mandatory and credible components is determined. Namely, criminal procedural activity in the broadest sense is defined as a system of criminal and procedural distribution of procedural and other actions of the subjects of criminal proceedings for the recognition of the criminal offense, the protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the participants in the criminal proceedings, in accordance with the laws and methods and means that аre reflected in procedural and other documents, and serve as grounds for the adoption of procedural decisions aimed at solving problems in a criminal way. This definition reflects the three key components of the criminal procedural activities that provide a solution to its problems: search and cognitive, identity and imperative. Attention to searching and learning, identity and imperative components of the criminal procedural activities from Roman times to the present due to the fact that their definition of the doctrine of criminal procedure allows you to create a law of the general laws of materialist dialectics, levels of society, science and technology, social -political, economic structure of a state at a certain historic moment the system means to address social and legal conflicts caused by the commission of crimea And the requirements for their application, which ensure the knowledge of his circumstances and the establishment of persons involved in his commission, the punishment of the perpetrators and the restoration of violated rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the individual and society, on the basis of the results of search and searches recorded in the procedural and other documents, cognitive action in criminal proceedings and adopted procedural decisions. In addition, the evidence of criminal procedural activity, embodied in the mandatory forms, specified in the criminal procedural law, recording criminal proceedings, ensures the formation of evidence in the criminal process and the mechanism for the adoption and implementation of procedural decisions, thus combining the search-cognitive and imperative components of the criminal procedural activities.

Authors and Affiliations

Руслан Миколайович Шехавцов


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Руслан Миколайович Шехавцов (2017). Розвиток уявлень про поняття кримінальної процесуальної діяльності. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 80(4), 279-293. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-416972