Rozwój sektora organizacji pozarządowych w Polsce po 1989 r.
Journal Title: Studia BAS - Year 2015, Vol 44, Issue 4
The main objective of the paper is to present a brief characteristics of the process of development of the third sector in Poland after the fall of communism in 1989. The author first discusses the theoretical background of the idea of non-governmental sector and the discourse upon which in Poland this sector was constituted as a domain of associations and foundations activity. Next, the turning points in the recent history of the third sector in Poland, are presented. They are linked in particular to the adoption of two historical pieces of legislation – the Act of 1989 on Associations and the Act of 2003 on Public Benefit Activity and Volunteering. The author also reviews the key current problems of the third sector in Poland which serves as an attempt to foresee in which direction Polish non-governmental orgnisations (NGOs) may evolve in the near future.
Authors and Affiliations
Grzegorz Makowski
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