Rule-based Emotion AI in Arabic Customer Review


The e-commerce emotion analysis is notable and the most pivotal advance since it catches the customer emotion in a product, and emotions with respect to product to decide if the customer attitude is negative, positive, or neutral. Posting on the customer's reviews have turned into an undeniably famous path for individuals to share with different customers their emotion and feelings toward a product. This review has a significant impact on sales in the future. The proposed system utilizes mixed word from an adjective (adj) and adverb to improve the emotion analysis process utilized a rule-based emotion analysis. The system extracts an Arabic customer review and computes the frequency of each word. At that point, it computes the emotion and score of each customer review. The system likewise computes the emotion and score of straightforward Arabic sentence.

Authors and Affiliations

Mohamed M. Abbassy, Ayman Abo-Alnadr


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  • EP ID EP645826
  • DOI 10.14569/IJACSA.2019.0100932
  • Views 89
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How To Cite

Mohamed M. Abbassy, Ayman Abo-Alnadr (2019). Rule-based Emotion AI in Arabic Customer Review. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications, 10(9), 257-260.