Rzadki przypadek pierwotnego mnogiego raka płaskonabłonkowego krtani i jasnokomórkowego nerki
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 62, Issue 3
The authors present a rare case of the primary multiple planoepithelial laryngeal cancer and clarocellular renal cancer in a patient operated in the Clinic. The patient, called F.J., was admitted to the Clinic of Otolaryngology and Laryngological Oncology due to hoarse voice he had been suffering for 6 months. On the interview with the patient, otolaryngological and videolaryngostroboscopic examinations we diagnosed hypertrophic changes in the whole length of the right vocal fold with the fold mobility preserved. The hypertrophic changes in the right vocal fold were removed by Kleinsasser direct microlaryngoscopy. However, the histopathological examination showed carcinoma planoepitheliale keratodes infiltrans mucosae laryngis G-2. In the further treatment the patient was qualified to the dexter chordectomy by the CO2 laser. The histopathological examination confirmed the total removal of the changes within the healthy cells. After about one year from the completed laryngological treatment the patient visited the urological outpatient clinic due to pain ailments in the right lumbar part. The urographic examination and CT of the abdominal cavity showed a tumour (8 x 9 cm), in the right kidney. The patient was admitted to the 1 st Clinic of Urology the Chair of Urology and qualifi ed to the dexter nephrectomy. Following the operation the histopathological examination indicated carcinoma clarocellulare partim cysticum renis dextri. Class, Fuhrman 2o, pT2 Nx Mx. The hyperplasia limited to the renal parenchyma. Cut-off lines of the ureter and vessels without neoplastic infi ltration. The patient remains under constant catamnesis at the urological and laryngological outpatient clinic, no symptoms of the neoplasm relapse.
Authors and Affiliations
Jurek Olszewski, Marek Sosnowski, Krzysztof Zieliński, Renata Słomińska
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