S. Yu. Vitte, as the reformer of the railway tariff business (1875–1913)


The article reveals the issues of evolution, formation and reform of railway tariffs. During this reform, which was headed by S. Yu .Vitte in the period from 1875-1913, Decisive changes were made on the generalization and the process of formation of the new tariff system. Solved issues about the role of S. Witte in the process of formation of theoretical principles in the process of formation and acquisition of further development of railway tariffs. The features of the process of reforming the formation and development of railway tariffs, and raising the issue of state regulation of rail tariffs at this time are shown.

Authors and Affiliations

S. Priymuk


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How To Cite

S. Priymuk (2018). S. Yu. Vitte, as the reformer of the railway tariff business (1875–1913). Історія науки і техніки: Збірник наукових праць Державного університету інфраструктури та технологій, 8(1), 201-209. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-326291