Sadr al-Din Qunawi`s Conception of Perfect Human and It’s Impacts on Civilization
Journal Title: Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi - Year 2016, Vol 16, Issue 2
The most important element in the formation of a civilization is the characteristics of the society that shapes that civilization. A society can only shape itself according to the quality of the existing individuals. In this sense, it is an important necessity to emphasize the qualities that individuals in society have or should possess. It can be said that the perfect human model, which is based on values, belongs more extensively to Eastern Civilizations, or a part of the Western Civilization that nourished from the East, while the gentle type of secular human is the product of Western Civilization itself. The concept of perfect human (al-insan al-kamil) in Sadr al-Din Qunawi, who has an important place in the formation of Islamic Civilization, is based on a human understanding that removes the distance between God and human beings in terms of truth and degree. Perfect human (al-insan al-kamil) is a person whom God manifested with good qualities and he does not stain these with bad deeds, stays clean and is able to reflect them in the most beautiful way. Man can be a perfect human that God's attributes can be seen in himself only if he has the righteousness, clean heartedness and good behavior, which is the highest grade of morality. Allah, the source of goodness, beauty and perfection, manifests itself in these attributes. In the same way, these qualities are the features and works of perfect human (al-insan al-kamil). The understanding of civilization, that sees the qualities of goodness, beauty and perfection as the Creator’s attributes and defines a person with the highest level of these qualities as a perfect human, has been the most important representative of values such as peace, justice and compassion on earth as long as it remained faithful to these values. In this sense, the perfect human definitions of Sadr al-Din Qunawi and other thinkers who benefited from revelation and tradition played an important role in the shaping of Islamic civilization.
Authors and Affiliations
Ömer Faruk Erdem
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